How to Manually Apply Prepayments to Sales Order Lines in Levridge

By Levridge staff | Updated: Aug 1, 2023 | Accounting , Product Updates | read

In release 2023 R2, Levridge has added the option to manually apply prepayments to your sales orders. By default, prepayments are automatically applied to sales order lines based on the customer and the item or item group used in the sales order line. However, with the 2023 R2 release, you can choose to consistently apply prepayments manually if you prefer.


Steps To Manually Apply Prepayments:


In Microsoft Dynamics 365 go to Ag sales > Setup > Agriculture parameters > Payments > Set the option “Auto apply prepayments” to No.

By default, this parameter is set to Yes.


Screenshot of the "Parameters for core agriculture features" section in D365. To the left, "Payments" is selected. All prepayment options are set to Yes.


If The Auto Apply Prepayments Option Is Set To No, Then:


1. When a sales order line is entered, the system will not automatically calculate and apply the prepayment to the order line.

2. If a split group exists on the sales order line and you post a packing slip or invoice, the order and child orders will be generated due to the split group, but the system will not automatically calculate and apply the prepayment to the child order lines.

3. If there are split details on the sales order line (meaning there was no split group defaulted but you have manually entered a split into the split details on the order line), then the system will not automatically calculate and apply the prepayment to the child order lines.