Notes on Prepayments in Levridge 2023 R3

By Levridge staff | Updated: Jan 26, 2024 | Ag sales , Product Updates

Levridge Ag sales contains a set of features used to track customer prepayments. Levridge tracks the dollar amount of the prepayment, what items or products are prepaid, and the price. Levridge also tracks prepayment consumption as the prepayments are applied to sales orders. When receiving a prepayment, you can enter a note on the prepayment […]

Using Prepayments to Cover Taxes and Charges in Levridge 2023 R2

By Levridge staff | Published: Oct 25, 2023 | Ag sales

In 2023 R2 you can now use prepayments to cover taxes and charges in Levridge. This blog will go over Levridge’s newly expanded prepayment functionality. Prepayment Setup In Agriculture parameters (Ag sales > Setup), in the Payments tab, the parameter “Allow prepay for charges/tax” defaults to No. This means you cannot apply a prepayment to […]

Levridge R2: A Closer Look at Advanced Ship Notice Automation

By Levridge staff | Updated: Jan 22, 2024 | Ag sales , News

In this new R2 Levridge feature, we delve into the advanced capabilities of Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations (D365 F&O) in handling purchase orders through the integration of order response. The process begins with vendors transmitting ship notice messages to D365 F&O. Leveraging the robust capabilities of the Levridge framework, these messages seamlessly traverse through the Azure Service Bus, making their way into designated staging tables within D365 F&O.

A Quick Guide to Contract Overruns in Levridge

By Levridge staff | Published: Jun 2, 2023 | Accounting , Ag sales

Many contracts (both sales and purchases) have a provision where the customer can deliver more than the contract quantity up to a point without penalty. The word overrun, in this context, will be the concept that allows a contract to be over-delivered. To allow for any contract overruns, go to Commodity accounting > Setup > Commodity accounting parameters > under Commodity set the “Allow overrun on sales contracts” and “Allow overrun on purchase contracts” toggles to yes if you want to allow on both contract types.