Levridge Update: New Features in the 2021 R2 Release

By Levridge staff | Updated: Aug 9, 2022 | News , Product Updates , Release Notes | read

The 2021 R2 release of Levridge is now publicly available. This release includes additional functionality for both Ag Sales and Commodity that enhances the core functionality of the program.

This release focuses on shoring up outbound commodity workflows with an emphasis on the freight billing integration to the Dynamics 365 transportation management module.

A list of all features included in the release is below.


Verification of Lienholder for Commodities

Ability to track lienholders and lienholders be added to purchase settlements.

Commodity Discount Fees and Charges Accrual

When a grower delivers grain to the elevator, certain quality discounts may be imposed and other fees may be charged. Typically, these fees and discounts are deducted from the purchase settlement check or invoiced periodically. However, the dollar amounts of fees and charges that are still owed at month end should be accrued as revenue.

Commodity Contract Over & Under Fills

A “Fill” cancels (in part or in full) the quantity remaining to be delivered on a contract. The Levridge commodity system will have a feature to “fill” purchase and sale contracts. Fills will be done at a delivery period ld level and totaled up to the contract header level.

Purchase Contract – Edit Contracts by Status

Depending on the status of the purchase contract, some of the fields can be editable and others not.

Commodity Scale ticket – Edit tickets by status

Depending on the status of the inbound, outbound, or transfer scale ticket, some of the fields can be editable and others not.

Commodity Batch/Lot Numbers

Tracking of incoming and outgoing product is essential to the “Farm to Table” compliance. Knowing where the product that is being used came from, what seed and products were used to grow the product, and where it goes. The ability to assign a unique identification value on an inbound, outbound, and even transfer scale tickets is required to maintain the traceability through the system.

Commodity Purchase Settlement Payment Section

After Inbound grain has been delivered and the delivery sheet completed, sooner or later, a grower will want payment for that grain. Payment is requested via a settlement request. Payment is made via the settlement payment screen. At these times, the user will have the option to print a settlement sheet (payment) report to give to the grower. The main purpose of this document is to inform the grower, exactly what grain is being settled. It will show all the details including delivery sheet, purchase contract, pricing, discounts/premiums, fees and charges all the way down to the net payment amount. This settlement sheet report will be enhanced to include a payment section so that when a settlement is split paid to more than one payee, the grower can see exactly who got paid and how much.

Commodity – Sales invoice return

Ability to return an invoiced outbound scale ticket.

Commodity – Outbound Ticket Posting Process Flow Changes

Ability to apply a sales contract to an outbound scale ticket, calculate the discounts and shrink, then invoice the tickets.

Commodity – Transfer order process flow changes

When transferring commodities between sites/warehouses, the organization will determine which location will govern the weights and grades for the inventory. Either the originating weights and grades will be used or the destination. The transfer order that ‘moves’ the inventory should be initiated by the originating and destination scale tickets. A user should not have to initiate the posting of these scale tickets manually to get the transfer order to be created and processed as the majority of these tickets will be coming in through integration to a scale application.

When looking at your inventory, you should be able to see when there is inventory being shipped between locations.

Just as the inventory is determined by the origin or destination weights and grades, the freight bill can also be based on either the origin or destination weights – and it is possible the freight to govern is different than the inventory governing option. For example, the company may decide to use origin weights and grades to determine the inventory quantity for the transfer order, but the freight is based on the destination weights.

Commodity – Freight Invoicing and Matching

Ability to invoice freight bills and add freight invoice lines.

Commodity – Maintaining shipping carrier and rates

Ability to define shipping carrier freight rates

Commodity Scale ticket – Settlement Payment edits by status

Depending on the status of the settlement request, some of the fields can be editable and others not.

Create freight bill for scale ticket

Creation of a freight bill from an inbound, outbound, or transfer scale ticket based on commodity freight rates.

Commodity Fee Schedule Default

Ability to have the fee schedule default on purchase contracts

Commodity – Purchase Contract Acre Based

Ability to record acres and estimated yields on purchase contracts

Sales Contract – Edit Contracts by Status

Depending on the status of the sales contract, some of the fields can be editable and others not.

Ag Sales

Multi-Currency Support

Ability to support Dynamics 365 Finance multicurrency functionality with the Levridge extensions in core and agronomy. The ability to correctly display and apply prepayments to a sales agreement and sales order allocation if there is a difference in the currencies between the records.

Ability to use customer price groups

Levridge to uptake customer price groups, total discounts, and multiline discounts for trade agreement pricing.

Change label of Customer operation and customer site to Farm and Field

Changed the labels in the system from customer operation to Farm, customer site to Field, and customer site location to Field location.

Learn more about features and functionality included in Levridge at levridge.com. If you have any questions related to this release, or the product in general, email us at hello@levridge.com.