2022 R1 Release

By Levridge staff | Updated: Mar 1, 2023 | News , Release Notes | read

Levridge is excited to make available the first release of 2022. This release has one primary theme: Extend the functionality in commodity accounting for transporting product in and out and accounting for that product using the client’s preferred accounting methodology.


New Features

The key additions and changes in 2022 R1 are the following:

  • Commodity load request and load generation enhancements:
    • On load requests, added support for:
      • Indicating the number of loads to ship per day
      • Incrementing load order numbers by a defined value
      • Skipping weekends and holidays by using a calendar
      • Allowing the easy generation of a customer’s purchase order/load number, including a prefix and suffix.
    • On loads, added the ability to assign and reassign loads to tickets, contracts, and customers through a new load order assignment form as well as make updates to the dates, branches, freight, and commodity.
  • Update commodity sales contracts via ag sales sales orders – When creating sales orders, allow the sales line items to be applied to the commodity sales contract. The sales line quantities update the sales order and shipped quantities on the sales contract.
  • Support for perpetual inventory and costing – Depending on the inventory model assigned to the commodity, the system will post adjustments to the inventory cost based on the purchase contract and landed discounts and fees when the ticket has a confirmed settlement.
  • Support for commodity seal numbers – Allows grain accountants to record the seal numbers used on shipments so that in the case of a broken seal, the accountant can easily tell what ticket, hauler, destination, and product was involved. Seal numbers can be assigned to a ticket or sales order packing slip.
  • AgXml commodity movement and load orders – Added support for importing load orders through AgXml. Also added an interface to view errors on AgXml document imports and allow the user to resubmit the record for import. Lastly, added the ability to maintain translations for AgXml documents.


Looking Ahead to 2022 R2

In 2022 R2 Levridge plans to add the following features and enhancements:

  • Inbound in-transit – Tracking inbound in-transit shipments including in-transit scale tickets and unloads.
  • Purchase advances – Add support for the advanced payments used when processors purchase unit trains of commodities.
  • Mark to market by protein level – Adding the ability to inventory, pay, position and market by grade factor ranges
  • Process manufacturing and sales order updates to the daily position report – Sales orders and process manufacturing processes that consume commodities need to affect the company owned section of the daily position report.
  • AgXML exports of load orders – Adding the ability to export load orders to AgXML
  • AgXML exports of scale tickets – Adding the ability to export scale tickets to AgXML
  • Purchase contract apply partners – Allow multiple parties to use a single purchase contract
  • Risk management reports run in batch for today’s date – Run the daily position report, long short hedge position, long short delivery position and long short audit reports in a routine batch process for today’s date
  • Print management for commodity reports – Enable print management for all 13 Levridge reports

Download Full 2022 R1 Release Notes