2023 R2 Release: Roll Expired Purchase Contracts

By Levridge staff | Updated: Dec 20, 2023 | Product Updates | read

In the latest release, Levridge has brought a new and exciting R2 feature: the ability to roll expired purchase contracts for credit sale. This enhancement caters to specific state requirements, where a purchase contract must be associated with a credit sales contract number if it’s not priced within a certain timeframe of grain delivery.

One notable aspect of this update is the seamless transfer of scale tickets from the original contract to the new one. This ensures a smooth transition and accurate record-keeping for all transactions. For those instances where the contract won’t be delivered on time, you now have the option to close it, offering increased flexibility in managing agreements.

To further enhance transparency and reporting, Levridge introduces a new Purchase Contract Settlement Report. This comprehensive report provides a detailed overview of all settlements associated with a particular contract. This addition empowers you with valuable insights, aiding in better decision-making and efficient contract tracking.

In conclusion, the Levridge 2023 R2 update brings a user-friendly configuration process, allowing you to effortlessly roll expired contracts for credit sales. The ability to close contracts not delivered on time adds an extra layer of control. With the new purchase contract settlement report, you can now gain a comprehensive view of settlements, elevating their contract management experience. Levridge continues to be at the forefront of innovation, ensuring you have the tools you need for effective operations.