AgXml Ticket Troubleshooting if Importing Failed

By Levridge staff | Updated: Feb 28, 2023 | Accounting

The logic for validating the ticket lies within Levridge and is usually communicated to the user via an Info log message. When Levridge Exchange attempts to push data to Levridge via an OData data entity and entity validation fails, the OData framework in FinOps generates an exception populated with the Info log messages for that entity.

Overview of the Mark to Market Process in Levridge

By Levridge staff | Updated: Feb 28, 2023 | Accounting

The first part of the mark to market process is to create the Market Price Entry. This will be the lines that will determine the market board and basis prices to be used in the mark to market calculations. When creating the new market price entry you can give it a unique schedule ID along with a description.

How to Set Up Default Apply Partners on Purchase Contracts

By Levridge staff | Updated: Feb 28, 2023 | Accounting

In release 2022 R2, Levridge has added support for purchase contract apply partners. Purchase contract apply partners are other growers allowed to deliver against purchase contracts so not only can the grower listed on the contract deliver against that contract, so can all of the apply partners listed on the contract.

Implementing Print Management for Custom Module

By Levridge staff | Updated: Oct 12, 2023 | Accounting

At Levridge, as an ISV, we have our own custom modules with custom reports. Stock D365 Finance and Operations modules like Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and a few others have Print Management Settings. These are settings that apply to those defined reports when they are printed – like emailing a copy of the Free Text […]

From Freight Invoice to Customer

By Levridge staff | Published: Feb 11, 2022 | Accounting

Levridge commodity software solution includes features around creating freight bill and paying freight carriers. You can read my previous blogs about the design and trouble shooting of the freight payable features. Levridge also includes a feature that lets you pass those invoice freight charges along to the customer. So, when you are invoicing the customer […]