How to Create a Purchase Advance in Levridge

By Levridge staff | Updated: Feb 28, 2023 | Accounting | read

Purchase advances can be created in Levridge using the following steps:

1. Under the Commodity accounting module create a purchase contract and apply scale tickets to the contract.

2. Once the contract and tickets are entered, go to Commodity accounting > Inbound > Settlement > Purchase advances, and click New.

3. In the form that opens select who the advance is for, the commodity, and the purchase contract. Click Ok. The form below will open.

Purchase advances form. There is a line item under scale tickets.

4. In the purchase advances form, mark the tickets you want to create the advance for.

5. Once marked, you can generate the invoice journal by clicking the Confirm button in the menu under Maintain.

6. If you want to both invoice and pay the advance in one step, click the Confirm and pay button.