Levridge: Elevating Your Equity and Patronage Systems

By Levridge staff | Updated: Mar 8, 2024 | Equity , Patronage

In today’s world, it is crucial to assess and modernize your equity and patronage system to ensure sustainability and smooth operations. If your current system relies on outdated practices, is maintained by a single developer approaching retirement, or lacks clarity in allocation processes, it may be time to consider a transition to a more durable solution like Levridge equity.

What’s New in Levridge 2023 R3

By Levridge staff | Updated: Jan 26, 2024 | News , Release Notes

In the realm of agricultural technology, several noteworthy changes have taken place, particularly in AgXML and Commodity Accounting standards. These updates aim to smooth processes for agricultural retailers and companies, ensuring smoother communication and efficient reporting.

Navigating Global Transactions with Levridge’s R3 Feature: Commodity Multi-Currency

By Levridge staff | Updated: Jan 26, 2024 | News

Levridge’s R3 feature, commodity multi-currency, empowers companies to engage with customers and vendors in currencies beyond their legal entity’s base denomination. Picture this: a company based in the US conducts transactions with Canadian clients in Canadian dollars. Multi-currency allows for seamless handling of such scenarios. The currency field on customer and vendor records serves as […]

Introducing Post-Adjustment Reasons in Prepayment Distribution

By Levridge staff | Updated: May 2, 2024 | Product Updates , Release Notes

In our constant endeavor to empower growers with greater flexibility and transparency, we’re excited to introduce a significant enhancement to our system’s prepayment distribution process with the latest R3 feature. Now, making changes to prepayment distributions after posting is not only possible but comes with an added layer of accountability and insight.