2021 R3 Release – Levridge

By Levridge staff | Updated: Aug 9, 2022 | News , Product Updates , Release Notes

Levridge is excited to make available the third and final release of 2021. This release has two primary themes: the footprint of splits and split billing have been significantly lightened and the foundation for supporting AgXML document exchanges has been added.

From Freight Invoice to Customer

By Levridge staff | Published: Feb 11, 2022 | Accounting

Levridge commodity software solution includes features around creating freight bill and paying freight carriers. You can read my previous blogs about the design and trouble shooting of the freight payable features. Levridge also includes a feature that lets you pass those invoice freight charges along to the customer. So, when you are invoicing the customer […]

How to: Batch Tracking in Levridge

By Levridge staff | Published: Feb 1, 2022 | Accounting

Levridge has functionality to support batch tracking for commodities from the time a scale ticket comes in until the product goes out the door. Here is how it works: 1. On the item, turn on the Tracking inventory dimensions for batch numbers. Microsoft Finance and Operations has native support for tracking batch numbers. 2. In […]

Customer Commodity Purchase Dashboard in Levridge

By Levridge staff | Published: Jan 20, 2022 | News

Levridge contains a few different dashboards centered around commodity contracts and delivery against them. This article highlights the purchase side but there is also a corresponding dashboard for the sales side. The Customer commodity purchase dashboard in Levridge is a quick way to view everything going on in purchase contracts. On the far left the […]

How to Fix Billing Mistakes in Levridge

By Levridge staff | Published: Jan 17, 2022 | Accounting

In the Agriculture industry split billing and prepayments are common, but this comes with challenges for the billing department ensuring the correct growers are billed for the products, quantities, and prices. Mistakes happen. It is how quickly and efficiently we handle these mistakes that sets you apart from your competition. With Microsoft Dynamics Finance and […]

Freight Trouble Shooting

By Levridge staff | Published: Dec 16, 2021 | News

If you are creating a scale ticket in Levridge, and it’s not creating a freight bill as it should, here are a few things you can check. There are a few data fields on the Scale ticket that are used to trigger the creation of a freight bill. The carrier, the carrier service, and the […]

Ransomware Attacks in Agriculture on the Rise – Are You Ready?

By Levridge staff | Published: Nov 11, 2021 | News

Top 7 Things You Can Do to Prepare Ransomware attacks have gone from an annoyance that the IT team talks about to an issue that’s reached the Boardroom of agriculture companies. Attacks are on the rise – there’s been an increase of 93% year over year. They are also growing in their public awareness – […]